Sunday, July 26, 2009

Celebration of Light and Rain

Having started on Wednesday the HSBC Celebration of Light goes on for the next fortnight. Each Wednesday and Saturday there is a 30 minute themed fireworks display linked to a country. The idea being that on each night a different team do the organise the display and then you vote on your favourite show.

I missed Canada night on Wednesday which had a Wizard of Oz theme, I admire the person who came up with the link, 'no place like home'. Last night was South Africa night and the theme was 'Tapestry of Colour'. Then next up on Wednesday is UK night then Saturday is China night.

Not to be out done, this is where Mother Nature decided to step in. At about 6 o'clock a large thunder storm came rolling in off the sea and over the mountains. With my camera ready to go for the show later I thought I would have a go at capturing a picture of some lightening. After about 100 or so empty frames and my frustration building to rather silly levels I finally managed to get this one. I'm not sure what it hit but in the full size version you can see something glowing on the ground.

With the show starting at 10pm I thought I would head Downtown at about 8pm to give me time to get down to English Bay and find a place on the beach to view the barge in the harbour from where the fireworks are set off from. The storm well underway by this point and the rain was fairly heavy but due some atmospheric reasons that are well beyond my understanding even though it was bucketing down the crowd on the beaches were treated to an amazing sunset which again seemed to be saying anything you can do I can do better!

The fireworks themselves were good, the problem is after having lived in Texas where everything is bigger, then it is hard to be impressed sometimes. I have included a link on the right hand side of this page so you can check out the Canada night show and make your own mind up. More photos of lightening and fireworks can be found on Facebook. The streets were packed after the show as everyone headed home soaked but happy. Even with a small queue to get on the skytrain, I go from beach to front door in 45 minutes.

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